
For Museums

For Museums

The company is specialized in the cultural sector, participating in key projects aimed at digitization and exhibition, through modern IT systems, of a very sensitive cultural wealth in terms of historical, religious, artistic and museological value. Through its current experience, it has a primary concern on the protection of the exhibits, providing high value added services to cultural operators.

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For galleries

For galleries

For galleries, art spaces and cultural SME’s that frequently changing content and/or  want to exploit technological solutions for the openness of their collections for short periods, Comic provides customized applications. With charging opportunities per month, easy to use, but without compromising on quality. Solutions for galleries are ideal, especially for cases where for a short time there is a high interest (e.g. exhibition period).

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For private collectors

For private collectors

For private collectors that want to go public their collections and present the richness of their cultural content, the following platform is available:

     Cultural Digital Asset Management: Mainly, it is a platform (e-library) where posted and promoted digitized items, according to the standards set by the European Union (Europeana).

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